8 Tips to Help Your Baby Get Used to SNOO
Simple tips to help her adjust to SNOO!
Written by
Dr. Harvey Karp
Babies are individuals. Some are shy, some outgoing, some sensitive, and others are not disturbed by the bustle around them.
Likewise, for soothing and sleep…some need sucking, some white noise, some jiggling, and others need all 5 S’s (vigorously!) to calm.
So, if your infant does not quickly quiet in SNOO, try our tips:
1. Be patient with “older babies.”
If your little guy is over 6-8 weeks, he may need 4-5 days to get used to the new motion and sound. The more he sleeps in SNOO (naps and nights), the sooner it should help comfort him.
2. Put your baby down…asleep.
We have learned that babies used to falling asleep on mum or dad need time to adjust. Have a feeling that is your situation? Try this: When it is almost bed/naptime, snug your baby in the SNOO sack, feed her well and offer a dummy (if she likes it) and rock her into a deep sleep. Then, gently transfer her to SNOO. Use your Happiest Baby App to set the motion on a low level, purple or blue. After 4-5 days of naps/nights in SNOO, her new surroundings should begin feeling familiar.
3. Build happy SNOO memories.
Start planning 3-4 fun times in SNOO each day. For example, give a massage in there—then take him out for a cuddle. Loving touch can help him associate good feelings with SNOO!
4. Learn the cues.
Check if your baby is hungry, hot, cold, or needs a new nappy. Once you meet his needs, he will likely soothe and snooze. (If he continues to fuss no matter what you do, check with your GP.)
5. Trust yourself.
If SNOO can soothe your baby, it usually happens within a minute. So, if by 60 seconds your mum/dad sense tells you SNOO is not doing the trick…take her out, soothe her, and then lay her down again calm. (BTW, SNOO automatically turns off if any fussing lasts over 3-minutes! But, you never need to wait that long if it does not feel right.)
6. Swaddle with the arms down.
Snug wrapping helps babies settle faster. If your wiggly worm gets an arm loose—inside the SNOO sack—that is your cue to tighten the inner band. Also, ensure the bottom of the inner band covers part of his hand. Most babies sleep better arms down for at least 3-4 months. (FYI, our SNOO Sacks have openings for babies’ arms to be free.)
7. Help your baby learn day from night.
Our test families told us that their babies awaken more at night if they took long daytime naps (and did not eat enough). So, it is good to keep naps to under 2-hours. You will get more calories in and reduce night awakenings from hunger.
8. Try food, louder white noise, or a dummy.
Some babies need 1-2 extra feedings to be ready to sleep…even if they just ate! Others need it noisy to calm down. So, you might run a hair dryer about 15cm away for a few minutes, if SNOO just is not soothing her. Or, offer a dummy to see if that solves the mystery! (If you are nursing, it is best to wait until she is sucking well before using dummies or bottles.) Bonus: Falling asleep with a dummy is shown to lower a baby’s risk for SIDS!
Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.