The Best Toddler Sleep Advice Parents Need…Now!
No matter if you are transitioning your toddler to a toddler bed, introducing a lovey, or dealing with dropped naps, toddler sleep regression, or nightmares, Dr. Harvey Karp has you covered! Here is some of his very best toddler sleep advice.

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Happiest Baby Staff

Welcome to the Toddler Years! Your little one is not so little anymore and their sleep habits—and sleep preferences—are changing. Your toddler’s newfound independence and zest for life is amazing, for sure, but can interfere with even the best sleep habits. From transitioning to a toddler bed and introducing loveys to dropping naps and toddler sleep regression, Dr. Harvey Karp has you covered. Here, we have gathered some of Dr. Karp’s very best toddler sleep advice to guide you through these exciting years.
Toddler Sleep: Sleep Overview
Your little one is growing and changing—and so are their sleep habits! Consider this your starter guide for helping you newly minted Big Kid get the rest they require.
How Much Sleep Do Toddlers Need?
Learn how many hours the average 2- to 5-year-old should be snoozing each day and night. Once you know the sleep target you are aiming for, the easier it is to get there! Here, find out what the average toddler’s sleep schedule is.
Learn Why Kid Sleep is Different From Adult Sleep
Babies and toddlers experience shorter sleep cycles than grownups. And this key sleep difference impacts your toddler’s rest. Dr. Harvey Karp offers insight.
Find the Right Bedtime for Your Toddler
Is there really a universal sweet spot for toddlers’ bedtime? Learn what Dr. Harvey Karp has to say about zeroing in on your toddler’s ideal bedtime.
How to Get A Toddler to Sleep
Whether your toddler loves night-night or exhibits some sleep struggles, every parent can benefit from Dr. Harvey Karp’s fave go-to-sleep strategy for toddlers.
How to Sleep Training Your Toddler
Do not worry if 'Sleep Training' seems to have fallen off of your to-do list! It is not too late. Here are some tips for sleep training your toddler today.
Getting Young Toddler to Go to Sleep and Stay Asleep
Surprise: It is actually natural for young toddlers to refuse to sleep. (Sorry!) But that does not mean they are not tired! Here are six ways you can help your 2- to 3-year-old embrace nighttime sleep.
Toddler Sleep: Bedtime Routines
The key to any kid’s good night’s rest is a solid night-night routine. Here is Dr. Harvey Karp’s best advice for nailing your toddler’s bedtime routine every time!
- Your Toddler Bedtime Routine: A Primer
- Why Loveys Can Be A Bedtime Game-Changer for Toddlers
- How to Talk to Your Toddler At Night to Ensure A Happy Morning
- This Trick Calms Kids for an Easier Bedtime
- Your Guide to Handling Toddler's Bedtime Demands
- The Magic Bedtime Story That Can End Toddler Bedtime Stalling!
- 16 More Bedtime Books to Lull Your Toddler to Sleep
Toddler Sleep: Transitioning To A Bed
Moving from the cot to a toddler bed is a big step—for your toddler and you! While it may be daunting, it is totally doable! Let Dr. Harvey Karp help.
- Your Guide to Moving Your Tot to a Toddler Bed
- How to (Gently) Kick Your Toddler Out of Your Bed
- At What Age Do Kids Need a Pillow?
Toddler Sleep: All About Naps
Toddlers are so full of wonder and curiosity, it can be really hard to settle down for sleep in the middle of an exciting day. (FOMO is very real for toddlers!) Expect lots of nap time changes during the toddler years. Here is how to navigate them.
- Your Age-by-Age Guide to Toddler Naps
- Going from Two Naps to One
- What to Do When Toddlers Refuse to Nap
- When Do Toddlers Stop Napping?
Toddler Sleep: Sleep Struggles
Truth: There may be some bumps in the road to good sleep in the toddler years. But that does not mean you and your kid cannot overcome them! Here is help:
- Dr. Harvey Karp Walks You Through Toddler Sleep Regressions
- The Big Reason Your Toddler Wakes at Night
- How to Get Your Toddler to Stay in Bed
Toddler Sleep: Dreams & Nightmares
Curious what your little one is thinking about while snoozing? Allow Dr. Harvey Karp to offer some insights.
How to Calm Your Child's Night Terrors- What Do Toddlers Dream About, Anyway?
- REM Sleep and Your Toddler
Toddler Sleep: Sleep Disorders & Disturbances
Not all sleep hiccups are created equal. Keep a keen eye out for issues, like the ones below, that may be interrupting your toddler's sleep.
When to Worry About Your Toddler’s Snoring- Everything You Need to Know About Toddler Sleepwalking
- Why Toddlers Grind Their Teeth—and How to Help
- ADHD and Sleep: How to Help Your Child Sleep Better
- Autism and Sleep: Helping Your Toddler Get Some ZZZs
- Toddlers and Restless Sleep Disorder
- What Causes Night Seizures in Toddlers?
Toddler Sleep: Your Toddler Sleep Questions, Answered!
Got more sleep questions? Dr. Harvey Karp tackles them here:
- Can I Give My Toddler Melatonin for Sleep?
- Is It True That Toddlers Need Less Sleep Than Babies?
- How Can I Handle My Toddler’s Jet Lag?
- What’s the Best Way to Deal With Daylight Saving With Kids?
- Is it Safe For My Toddler to Sleep in a Bunk Bed?
Toddler Sleep: Our Best-Selling, Paediatrician-Designed Toddler Sleep Products
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SNOObear: It is a white noise machine, a lovey, and a fun puppet—perfect for toddlers! Not only does SNOObear offer your toddler the same unique white noise sounds as SNOO, it is responsive as well. (That means, after the sound turns off, SNOObear continues to monitor your little one and automatically turns back on if your child fusses.) Plus, loveys help toddlers build confidence and security, they work wonders for easing separation anxiety, and they are also especially comforting amid times of stress (like during travel, an illness, or a parent’s absence).
Happiest Baby books: Have you read the best-selling (and game-changing) The Happiest Baby on the Block book? Continue to learn more and more about your child with follow-ups, The Happiest Toddler on the Block and the The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep, featuring sleep solutions into the toddler and preschool years.
Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.